We spent halloween at my parent's house where we have a traditional dinner in a pumpkin! Then the kids get all ready and we get to tote around in a wagon and the kids love it!! the whole neigborhood is blocked off which meant tons of kids and no cars! We had a blast! Thanks HAPPY & PAPPY!!
Here are the cuttest halloween bags ever that happy and pappy gave each granchild, along with their names on the back

Happy getting the monkey ready

cute cute cute grandkids!!! Baby Caden was sooo good and really enjoyed the lights and decorations people had!

So, we had a problem with the Leapord... everytime we would go up to a door and say trick or treat, he would just walk right into the house like "where's the party!" It was sooo funny:)

And the famous wagon that they just loved!!! It was so much fun and we can't wait until next year! Although I CAN wait for the candy part! That's the first thing they asked for when they woke up this morning!!