I forgot my camera on halloween....
I can't believe I did. We were at my parents house, so I wasn't about to drive back 40 minutes north just for my camera. So, instead I took pictures the day AFTER halloween! It's better than nothing and the kids won't know the difference anyway! We had a lot of fun though!! Dylan would walk up to the door, say trick or treat, and after he was given a piece of candy, he continued to just stand there like he wasn't given ENOUGH candy. So after telling him it was time to go to another house, he would go ahead and open whatever piece of candy looked the best and have it eaten by the time we reached the next house. Needless to say, by they time we got back to my parents house, half of his candy bag was all wrappers. It was fun to see luke so excited and really KNOW what was going on with halloween. After we left my parents, we then drove to marks parents house. I have to tell you that this house is INSANE on halloween. My mother-in-law goes ALL OUT and has every little thing decorated. Anywhere from skeletons hanging from the ceiling to talking pumpkins and candy bowls to scare the kids as they walk by. I know my sister-in-law took pictures of the decorations, so we will have to post those next! all in all it was a fun day!!