Saturday, February 23, 2008
My husband surprised me with tickets to Las Vegas for valentines day!!! Well, the day after. My sister-in-law lives there with her husband and 4 kids, with anothe one on the way!! Needless to say-we have SO much fun together!!! AND my mother-in-law and other sister-in-law are coming too! PARTY!!! I am taking my boys....but my kids have so much fun with her kids so it all works out! So I leave tomorrow and am there for a week! I'll be sure and take tons of pictures!! Have a wonderful week:)

Thursday, February 21, 2008
my sleeping prince
So, today was round two of preschool, and about an hour after my little one realized he was all alone, and tired.....I found him passed out on the couch. They did wake up rather earlier than usual ( I think they BOTH get excited about preschool when we talk about it the night before!) My kids are always the ones that wouldn't sleep anywhere else but in their beds. So, at first, I did not want to wake him by taking pictures and having the flash go off as well.....so I waited like 5 minutes, and then decided I just HAD to if I wanted to remember this moment. So I quietly tip toed in the room and took the first shot...nothing. He was peacefully still sleeping. I thought O.k., maybe I'll just take a few more! So I did...nothing. He was THAT tired! I finally had to go and rub his little chubby cheeks to get him to wake up since we had to go pick up his brother from preschool, and he was still laying there with his blanky and his eyes open. I'm glad I decided once again to let my inner paparrazzi out!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
cuttest pout EVER!
Well, my oldest went off to preschool for the very first time!!! YAY!!!! It was sooo great because I knew he would love it! So, while we had a little time on our hands, I watched as my little one waited and waited for him to come home. Even though we had to go pick him up, he would look outside the window and watch all the cars roll by like his brother was in one of them. It was pretty cute I'll admit, and once we picked him up from school, it was like they had never been apart for those 3 hours

Friday, February 15, 2008
my wall!

Finally...it's finished. This is a wall in my house that I have been wanting to fill! It was very time consuming and very time-editing for all my pictures that were showcased! I love the sign...anyone who is interested in getting one...let me know:) I also just realized that I've posted every day this week...and I think I'm going to take a break. Maybe I'll go exercise? or catch up on some reading...probably not, but it's the thought that counts!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
valentines day

Hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day and you felt nothing but LOVE all day!!! This holiday always reminds me of being in college-away from home, and my sweet mom would always send me packages on valentines or easter, ect... and write me a cute little card along with all the goodies. I miss that a little... not that my husband doesn't do an excellent job at that. He actually came home from work with dinner in tow... Olive Garden for me and mexican for the kids. Anyone who knows my weakness for the most amazing dessert knows it comes from Olive Garden!! Black Tie Mousse Cake...ever tried it? YUM is the only word to describe it. He also got the kids and I little gifts. He's always been so thoughtful. He usually never gets me flowers on valentines day because there are so many other days he would come home with a dozen roses just because.
I have to say that although it's valentines day,the best present came today!!!! I've been waiting weeks!!! avery's bedding arrived today!! We are now ready to paint her room with pink and brown stripes and turn the neutral brown room into something so warm and fuzzy for little avery. We are so excited!! Hope everyone enjoyed this day as much as I did!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
last play in the leaves
Well, the time has almost come where there will be no leaves left on the ground and the weather will become warmer. Saturday we are planning on a little spring cleaning in the backyard! We have so many leaves out there the kids couldn't resist playing in them! And being the paparazzi that I am....I took a few shots.

happy valentines day to everyone!! Give hugs and kisses to your loved ones xoxoxo

happy valentines day to everyone!! Give hugs and kisses to your loved ones xoxoxo
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
tagged about my husband
O.K. I'm usually not for getting tagged...but this one is about your spouse! So thanks sarah for letting me roll down memory lane a little bit!
What is his name? mark
How long have you been married? 5 years next month
How long did you date? 3 months dating, 3 months engaged
Who eats more sweets? totally guilty. I love chocolate
Who said I love you first? after a couple weeks of dating he says, I think I'm falling in love with you....and to my shock, I said "I think I'm falling in love with you too!"
Who is taller? mark, by a few inches
Who can sing better? none of the above. We are the absolute worst when it comes to singing!!
Who is smarter? Mark is weird smart. Like anything that you would find weird to know about-he knows all about it. He knows so much about history as well. I would say we are both street smart...
Who does the laundry? that would be me, unless desperate times come when I have morning sickness for 4 months and can't get out of bed!
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're facing our bed, I sleep on the left. Is that the right side? I get confused.
Who cooks dinner? If we cook at all....mostly me. Mark loves to cook himself a skillet steak frequently though.
Who drives? mostly me, I get car sick if I don't.
Who is more stubborn? I have met my match.....for sure:)
Who kissed who first? mark asked if he could kiss me, I said yes, and then after the 5 seconds of akward silence, he leaned in...best kiss ever.
Who asked who out first? HAHA!! funny story.... I'll have to share that another time!! He did
Who proposed? mark
Who wears the pants? mark 40% me 60% no, I think we're pretty even.
I love my husband to death and I have to admit that we love to get goofy together. He cracks me up most of the time and then I do the same some of the time. He always tells me how beautiful I am (even though I've been pregnant most of out marriage!) and there's hardly a day where he doesn't say I love you. I have the best husband ever:)
What is his name? mark
How long have you been married? 5 years next month
How long did you date? 3 months dating, 3 months engaged
Who eats more sweets? totally guilty. I love chocolate
Who said I love you first? after a couple weeks of dating he says, I think I'm falling in love with you....and to my shock, I said "I think I'm falling in love with you too!"
Who is taller? mark, by a few inches
Who can sing better? none of the above. We are the absolute worst when it comes to singing!!
Who is smarter? Mark is weird smart. Like anything that you would find weird to know about-he knows all about it. He knows so much about history as well. I would say we are both street smart...
Who does the laundry? that would be me, unless desperate times come when I have morning sickness for 4 months and can't get out of bed!
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're facing our bed, I sleep on the left. Is that the right side? I get confused.
Who cooks dinner? If we cook at all....mostly me. Mark loves to cook himself a skillet steak frequently though.
Who drives? mostly me, I get car sick if I don't.
Who is more stubborn? I have met my match.....for sure:)
Who kissed who first? mark asked if he could kiss me, I said yes, and then after the 5 seconds of akward silence, he leaned in...best kiss ever.
Who asked who out first? HAHA!! funny story.... I'll have to share that another time!! He did
Who proposed? mark
Who wears the pants? mark 40% me 60% no, I think we're pretty even.
I love my husband to death and I have to admit that we love to get goofy together. He cracks me up most of the time and then I do the same some of the time. He always tells me how beautiful I am (even though I've been pregnant most of out marriage!) and there's hardly a day where he doesn't say I love you. I have the best husband ever:)
Monday, February 11, 2008
another leaving...
This was last week when my youngest brother was leaving for his mission the next day. He will be an amazing missionary and we will miss him! Off to Chile he goes!!!
We celebrated his birthday since it would be 2 days after he would leave!

the kids were all a mess with the cake and ice-cream, so off to the bath they went...

proud parents:)

kisses before he left...

the last family photo until 2010 when he returns from his mission!!
We celebrated his birthday since it would be 2 days after he would leave!

the kids were all a mess with the cake and ice-cream, so off to the bath they went...

proud parents:)

kisses before he left...

the last family photo until 2010 when he returns from his mission!!

Friday, February 8, 2008
too cute not to post...
So I have been re decorating my house latetly, putting up new pictures everywhere, or old ones.... and I found these two pictures of my husband with the boys. They are about the same age in these pictures, and I didn't even pose them! My husband just loves to snuggle them when they are babies. Well, I take that back, he still snuggles them now:) It just reminded me to capture the little things in life...

Thursday, February 7, 2008
family pictures!
So I had one of my good friends who is also a photographer come and take our family pictures since one brother came home from a mission, and another left today! We had a short period to remember this moment while we're all together. She did an awesome job-especially for dealing with 4 kids under the age of almost 3!! Thanks Rockell! you're the best!
Here is my family! I'm trying my hardest to hide/suck in my 6 month pregnant belly!!

Here is my brother with his wife and their cute nephew with the gorgeous eyes that I'm always photographing!

Here is my other brother with his wife and their son

my youngest 2 brothers-the bachelors!

Happy and Poppy with the grandkids!

and lastly, my original family:) it will always be me....and 4 boys! I wouldn't have it any other way!
Here is my family! I'm trying my hardest to hide/suck in my 6 month pregnant belly!!

Here is my brother with his wife and their cute nephew with the gorgeous eyes that I'm always photographing!

Here is my other brother with his wife and their son

my youngest 2 brothers-the bachelors!

Happy and Poppy with the grandkids!

and lastly, my original family:) it will always be me....and 4 boys! I wouldn't have it any other way!

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Did you know...
Did you know that ice-cream makes you 37% happier when eaten?
See....this is how excited and happy they are when ice-cream is presented at grandma's house while all the men watch the super bowl. Which by they way....go giants!!!
All the kids enjoyed playing outside in such beauiful weather. jumping on the trampoline and eating ice-cream. It doesn't get any better.

And it MUST be blue bell ice-cream, nothing like it...seriously.

Even daddy likes to be a little happier sometimes with a lick of ice-cream:)

kids...they love playing together, and poor Ali is the only girl!

Oh- and the 37% happier thing, my brother told me that once, and I'm not sure if it's true, but why not!
See....this is how excited and happy they are when ice-cream is presented at grandma's house while all the men watch the super bowl. Which by they way....go giants!!!
All the kids enjoyed playing outside in such beauiful weather. jumping on the trampoline and eating ice-cream. It doesn't get any better.

And it MUST be blue bell ice-cream, nothing like it...seriously.

Even daddy likes to be a little happier sometimes with a lick of ice-cream:)

kids...they love playing together, and poor Ali is the only girl!

Oh- and the 37% happier thing, my brother told me that once, and I'm not sure if it's true, but why not!
Friday, February 1, 2008
a new LOOK!
I just got my new website up and running and I have to say I worked hard and LOVE how it turned out!!! You guys have to tell me what you think!!!
click on the link on my sidebar->
click on the link on my sidebar->
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