Hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day and you felt nothing but LOVE all day!!! This holiday always reminds me of being in college-away from home, and my sweet mom would always send me packages on valentines or easter, ect... and write me a cute little card along with all the goodies. I miss that a little... not that my husband doesn't do an excellent job at that. He actually came home from work with dinner in tow... Olive Garden for me and mexican for the kids. Anyone who knows my weakness for the most amazing dessert knows it comes from Olive Garden!! Black Tie Mousse Cake...ever tried it? YUM is the only word to describe it. He also got the kids and I little gifts. He's always been so thoughtful. He usually never gets me flowers on valentines day because there are so many other days he would come home with a dozen roses just because.
I have to say that although it's valentines day,the best present came today!!!! I've been waiting weeks!!! avery's bedding arrived today!! We are now ready to paint her room with pink and brown stripes and turn the neutral brown room into something so warm and fuzzy for little avery. We are so excited!! Hope everyone enjoyed this day as much as I did!
Yum Yum, I miss the days of eating black tie at OG! I can't wait to see Avery's bedding! Need help painting let me know...or maybe I can bring pizza by while Mark works! Love you!
My mom still sends me packages like that! Maybe I should never move home, cause if I did, the packages might stop coming. And when it comes to my hair color, marriage has already made me a loser (somehow you just turn lame when you get hitched), and I can't let it make my hair losery, too. Although I guess it already has. I think I need to bring back my purple hair. Or blue...or pink. :) I was much cooler then.
Would you believe that the Kroger by our house actually sells the Black Tie Cake from OG sometimes? They also sell this amazing Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake, too! Love love love that stuff!
The bedding is so stinking cute. Can't wait to see pics of the finished room!
Such a fun day! I'm going to have to try that dessert! Also I want pictures of Avery's room--before and after! I love baby bedding!!! Good luck getting it all done and perfect
What did I miss the post on when you chose the name. Avery, I love it, how cute! I miss you, I can't wait to see everything.
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