I can't believe this time is already here.... I am 36 weeks along and have 4 weeks to go!! After the boy/girl poll, I promised to do a due date poll. Those who got the sex of my baby right (girl!) along with the right due date gets a free photo session and some free prints! So here we go!! Leave a comment telling me what date you think miss avery will come!
Here are a couple background tips on my boys:
Luke-I was induced a week early but was already progressing by the time I got to the hospital.
Dylan- my water broke at 37 weeks and 2 days. It was GREAT!!
Hi Ambyr! Crazy that I was blog-hopping from some friends from home and found your blog! You'll have to check ours out when you get a minute: jorgensenjabbers.blogspot.com
Congrats on the upcoming baby!
May 12th is going to be the big arrival day! you can count on it:) Aren't you getting SO excited?
I'm also pulling for May 12th. That's when my Andrew was born, who will be turning 4 this year. Girls really are different. It's a bit of an adjustment, but lots of fun. Good luck!
I am going with May 15, but for your sake I hope it is a little sooner.
May 13th is my 1st choice, but May 11th would be really cool. The best Mothers Day present Ever!!
May 8th....I am wishing that day for myself too or any day soon!
I'm guessing Tuesday May 6th. Because I know how miserable you are! I can't wait to meet little Avery, she is going to be so frikkin cute!
I think it is going to be May 14th. Yep, definitely the 14th. I am so excited, I can't wait!
I am saying May 21st. Not to be mean, but that is just what I think.
Okay after some serious pondering I am going with May 16. I'd like to say May 2 or 3, but I think Avery still has some cookin' to do!
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