I know....I can't get enough of her! Danielle made a comment wondering when you'll get to see pictures of the boys again, and I hope that it's soon!! They've been at my mom's and now my mother-in-law has kidnapped them during the day this week, so I haven't had much time wih them!! So, avery and I have been snuggling and taking pictures!! I just love her so much and even more than ever since she's such a good baby. I have to say that I have been missing my boys and before they went to bed tonight, we all snuggled on the couch and watched sponge bob. I love my boys...and they seem so HUGE now that I am always holding a little tiny baby. I am so thankful for my growing family:)

Ambyr and Mark, Avery's beautiful! I went through your whole blog and you are so right - you've got a great, little family! She's going to be so fun and different from the boys. I can't wait to see and hold her. Congrats!
Love her!!!!
My boys are into Spongebob too, there are many nights we spend together watching it. I love that time with them, as I'm sure you do since latley time with your boys has been scarce. But I bet it is nice to spend some quality time with Avery! As you know, they grow up fast!
Oh, and I LOVE your new page!! I was wondering when you were going to change it and put Avery at the top with the rest of the fam!
too cute!!!
Ambyr, I cant get over how adorable she is!! And that is so great that she is a good baby!
Avery is precious! And I love that name, too. You take such great photos--just can't get enough of that little munchkin! Congratulations to the growing Porter family!
Ambyr I check your blog every day hoping for more pictures of this gorgeous baby, I'm obsessed, she is just so beautiful!
Ambyr: She is beautiful!! What a cute 'pink' addition to your wonderful family---congratulations!
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