I have to give a shout out to my wonderful mother who made these amazing "frog" cupcakes for the party. I think martha stewart gave her a call later:) They were delicious!

I happened to snap this one of little "mia" ...can you stand the cuteness!!

luke and dylan's cousin trey...such a cute kid

and for the disappointment! It was SOOO WINDY!!!! therefore we could not even LIGHT the candles. And here are the faces of my boys after the news.

seriously dad?

We had a great time...and since I couldn't stand the fact that they didn't get a chance to blow out their candles...I made cookies later and we stuck the candles in them and sang one more round of happy birthdays...
The party was so fun! You are such a great mom...how did you stand bring around those donuts??? Looking at that picture made me want to go out and get some, thank goodness it is sunday and I can't!!!
Okay totally meant to type Being not bring
Uhhmmmm. . . I think part of your first picture is out of focus a little. I can show you how to fix that. J/K Very cool effect. The only thing that would make these pictures even more special is Emma sitting there beside him. Thanks for sharing, I will have to show Emma.
Amber - I am amazed at how much you are still getting done with 3 LITTLE ones! You are a great mom.
Happy Birthday Luke and Dylan, how much fun! The party sounds like it was a blast. Also, I need your mom to show me how to make those cupcakes, they are so cute!
I'm so sad we couldn't make it! It looks like such a fun time. I accidentally blew out Ben's birthday candle when we went out to dinner the night before his birthday! I felt so bad! They won't remember that though, only how much fun it was!
Happy Birthday, Luke & Dylan!
Happy B-day Luke and Dylan! I'm glad they had such a fun day! Where was Avery the whole time? Asleep probably.... they are so good at that age! What did your mom use to make the eye's on those cupcakes? Jonathans b-day is in week and a half and those would be fun to make for him! Love ya girl~
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