Tuesday, September 30, 2008
such a little monkey...
She's almost 5 months old....and I have noticed a couple things about her since she was born that I will finally share with my fellow bloggers. You probably can't tell too much in this picture, but avery's right ear sticks out a little bit more than her left! And every time I feed her a bottle, I hold her head on my left side. EVERY SINGLE TIME...her ear folds over and I have to reposition to put her ear back against her head! Every time she lays down, she rolls to that side...therfore her ear is folded again, and I have no control over that when she sleeps. And my next "quality" that I have noticed about avery... no I do not put any sort of gel or spray in her hair to make it stick up like that! Are you kidding me!! She was born with a full head of hair and it has grown like crazy the past couple months. After her bath the other night, mark was getting her dressed and ready for bed. He purposely left her hair wet from the bath just to see how her spiked hair unraveled itself. As he was feeding her, her hair instantly dried and shot straight up in the back!! what is the deal! It's kind of cute, and since it's kinda the style lately for short hair, I'm o.k. So there you have it. My little monkey with an ear that sticks out more than the other and hair that won't stay down. so cute:)

Saturday, September 27, 2008
this little girl is only 2 weeks older than avery, and look at those yummy cheeks!!! The most squishy little arms and legs I've ever seen!! She smiled and smiled and when mom sang her favorite song, she would stop moving, look at mom, and enjoy the music! and the second the song was over, she was back to being a squirmy cute little 5 month old.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008
get the scissors out
I was so ready to cut his hair myself!! I had been meaning to get it cut for a long time now....it's was time... you couldn't see his ears! or his eyes for that matter! My boys don't have the beautiful wavy hair that could just go long and look good. Dylan's hair is as straight as a board. This particular morning, I just made up my mind and said let's go! so this was right before we left. I should have put it in some pony tails, but I was in a hurry! Since avery is my "luke look a like" I figured this is what a "dylan look a like" would be...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
back to the park!
Finally, some "not so blazing hot days!".....It's been BEAUTIFUL here!!! I love love love the fall weather that will hopefully come here for good in a few weeks! Well, we headed to the park, um, every day this week so far! Yesterday it was just me and the boys and it was so much fun! BONUS: I totally had left my camera in my car earlier that day since it was grandparents day at preschool....so yes I happened to have my camera as we arrived at the park! We were the only ones there....I was actually wondering were all of my fellow neighbors were on such a beautiful evening...we then headed to sonic for some ice-cream for dinner!! it was such a fun day, and I was glad to be with my boys, as much as I missed avery....I needed some "luke and dylan bondage time!!"

by the way-that mop on dylan's head got chopped off today!!! I did take a picture of his long hair right before we left...I'll have to post that next!

by the way-that mop on dylan's head got chopped off today!!! I did take a picture of his long hair right before we left...I'll have to post that next!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
little "a"
another cute little bug!! Her mom would make her laugh all the time!!! she would have to dance around and sing some songs, but little "a" was lovin' it!!! what a beautiful little girl!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
this week is the first week I started to put bows in avery's hair!!! Is that CRAZY that I've waited this long! I don't know why I didn't before....well, 2 reasons actually....everytime I tried a bow, her head would look even smaller! and number 2...I don't have a bow to match every single outfit! and this is a big deal!! You try to put in a solid colored bow and it's not the EXACT color of her outfit, so it doesn't work!! I need some more bows apparently!!

we were on the way out the door yesterday and I saw my boys laying right next to avery....and the look on her face was priceless. She is going to be one protected little girl:)

Thursday, September 4, 2008
off to school....
the day has come where my boys go off to preschool to give me a few hours a week to clean house without interuptions, search more homes, spend quality time with my little girl, do some laundry.....and many many more things!! Luke couldn't stop asking when we were going to school. I kept saying, " 2 more days, 2 more days!" and then 30 minutes later he would ask again. That night we were saying family prayers, and Luke offered. In the middle of the prayer, he said" I pray we can go to school in 2 minutes...." I couldn't help but laugh because he was so excited. I did the mom thing and went out and took pictures in our front yard....it's not like they're in 1st grade yet or anything, but I thought it would be fun. Also realizing while I'm taking the picture that dylan has no shoes and luke's pants came undone!

little "a"
Isn't she adorable!! I took this one at stacey and pierce's open house and I just happened to shoot it on a white wall!! I thought it captured a moment!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
the walk on the beach...
I forgot to post one of my most favorites from florida! We took family pictures on the beach(which you will be getting for a christmas card I'm sure!) and afterwards the kids were just running around while I was snapping pictures of them. I told my boys to go walk down the beach and hold hands since that's so cliche but I didn't care. So I get ready and look through my camera and Trey has run over there with them and latched on!! So I just took it with all three of them! I thought that was a pretty cute moment:)

she's laughing...
since I have been on the computer a LOT this week, avery just sits in her bouncer right next to me. she loves to talk which is no surprise since that's what us girls do best! she smiles so much and now she is starting to laugh out loud! it's crazy to think she's only 3 1/2 months old...seems like she should be older, but I'm glad she's still a little princess that can't run away from me just yet!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
a glimpse of lately...

What a week! I honestly have not checked my reader (everyone's blog) or posted on my blog in over a week!!! to sum it up, it's been CRAZY around here!!! We put our house on the market last saturday and had an open house that day (yes, up all night cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning) and this wonderful family came by to look at our house. They absolutley loved it and were so grateful that they had found a house that they loved and where they could raise a family. They came back later that day again and said they wanted to put in an offer. YEA!!! So, a couple days later we get an offer in our mailbox and it was a little lower than our asking price. Mark called them the next day and had to sadly decline their offer. They hung up with eachother and 5 minutes later the phone rings. It's the same guy and he says..we'll do it...we will give you your asking price. He then went on to say again how much they loved our house and the work we put into it. The conversation ended like this...
mark: sounds great!
guy: can you do me a favor?
mark: sure, what's that?
guy: can you go take your for sale sign down?
mark: (gladly) I'll go do that right now.
(later we found out that the wife got in her car and drove by just to make sure!-they were that excited!)
We are so blessed to have been able to sell our house that quick. I got home later that night and mark told me this whole story. I started to cry because I couldn't believe it. I was so sad to leave this house that we started our little family in, I was sad since mark grew up in this house. I was sad to leave a house where we put so much work into to make it our home. avery's room was just painted a few months ago..I was sad to leave such a cute room. I was sad to know that in a few months we will be in a whole different area with people I don't know yet. I was sooooo sad about not living right down the street to the most amazing in-laws ever. They have always been there and helped us out whenever we needed. I am so blessed.
But all of this sadness soon turned into happiness when I realized that another family will start making memories in this beautiful house that we called our home.
So, this is what I have been doing all week.......searching, searching, searching. driving around looking at areas and schools, and how far away it is from law school. talking to realtors, checking my email evey hour to see more listings. Going to every single property search website you've ever imagined.
I'm so very tired. We are in lingo right now and it makes me a little uncomfortable!! So there you have it. this is why I haven't posted or commented on anyone's blog! Hopefully we will find a house in a few weeks and once we get all settled in, I can breathe a little better...and can blog about my new house:)
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