What a week! I honestly have not checked my reader (everyone's blog) or posted on my blog in over a week!!! to sum it up, it's been CRAZY around here!!! We put our house on the market last saturday and had an open house that day (yes, up all night cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning) and this wonderful family came by to look at our house. They absolutley loved it and were so grateful that they had found a house that they loved and where they could raise a family. They came back later that day again and said they wanted to put in an offer. YEA!!! So, a couple days later we get an offer in our mailbox and it was a little lower than our asking price. Mark called them the next day and had to sadly decline their offer. They hung up with eachother and 5 minutes later the phone rings. It's the same guy and he says..we'll do it...we will give you your asking price. He then went on to say again how much they loved our house and the work we put into it. The conversation ended like this...
mark: sounds great!
guy: can you do me a favor?
mark: sure, what's that?
guy: can you go take your for sale sign down?
mark: (gladly) I'll go do that right now.
(later we found out that the wife got in her car and drove by just to make sure!-they were that excited!)
We are so blessed to have been able to sell our house that quick. I got home later that night and mark told me this whole story. I started to cry because I couldn't believe it. I was so sad to leave this house that we started our little family in, I was sad since mark grew up in this house. I was sad to leave a house where we put so much work into to make it our home. avery's room was just painted a few months ago..I was sad to leave such a cute room. I was sad to know that in a few months we will be in a whole different area with people I don't know yet. I was sooooo sad about not living right down the street to the most amazing in-laws ever. They have always been there and helped us out whenever we needed. I am so blessed.
But all of this sadness soon turned into happiness when I realized that another family will start making memories in this beautiful house that we called our home.
So, this is what I have been doing all week.......searching, searching, searching. driving around looking at areas and schools, and how far away it is from law school. talking to realtors, checking my email evey hour to see more listings. Going to every single property search website you've ever imagined.
I'm so very tired. We are in lingo right now and it makes me a little uncomfortable!! So there you have it. this is why I haven't posted or commented on anyone's blog! Hopefully we will find a house in a few weeks and once we get all settled in, I can breathe a little better...and can blog about my new house:)
Reading this post, I was stressed out for you!! You are so lucky you sold so quickly and I can't wait to hear about your new house! It does kinda stink that you do all this work and someone else gets to enjoy it!! I think about that every time I do a new project. Did yall sell it yourself?
I'm also stressed but excited for you guys! I can understand why you feel the way you do about your house (AND OMG your in-laws!!) Your house is beautiful. I am not at all surprised that someone would come in wanting it as much as they have because it really is an amazing house!
Good luck in your search for a new place! Have you tried FirstPreston.com? It lists foreclosures and bank-owned houses. LOTS in Keller! (You should totally get a house where'd you'd have an extra room for a studio....) :)
thanks you guys!!! we DID sell it oursleves which was also such a blessing to sell it this quickly! I really am going to miss this house! and i'm totally checking out that website missy!!
Congrats! What a relief but that means you'll be moving soon!!!
Won't you be my neighbor?
You are so lucky you sold it that quick, especially in this market!! I am with you on the house hunting, checking out schools, ect. I was there only a few months ago..... but in the end you will find the perfect house for your fam. and everything will work out great! I love you too girl and we miss you guys like crazy also!
Good luck with everything. I don't know how you're doing it with 3 kids. That sounds crazy.
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