We went to her two month appointment yesterday and what a joy it was. I had my boys with me and my lovely 2 year old was just that....a 2 year old. trying to get into all the cabinets, climbing on the doctor stool and rolling around, climbing on the chair while trying to knock down the beautiful picture on the wall,taking his shoes off, and fighting with his brother. As I am trying to discipline my children and tell them I will give them anything as long as they can sit down and chill, I am holding avery as she is constipated at this time and trying to do her business. I felt like I was in a zoo trying to control my little monkeys. And why do the doctors always take so long to get in there! so avery got her shots and screamed so hard that she was not at all constipated anymore! I was already so tired and sweating and it was only 9am. Here are the results:
weight: 11.2 lbs
height: 23 inches

tell her I said, "roogey, doogey, woogey", she'll now what it means.
Wow! 2 months already?! Thanks for posting her stats, I love reading stuff like that.
totally relate to your doc experience! it's 1:00 and I look around here like what have I gotten done that Spence hasn't torn apart again!
avery is beautiful!
She seriously has the sweetest little face! And looks so good in red!
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