.the love to wrestle as of lately....thanks to daddy!
.I always catch luke reading to dylan in their room...so sweet!
.they eat evey meal together
.they sleep in the same room together, and sleep the same amount of time. although dylan sometimes needs a little more so he goes back to bed.
.whenever mark is going somewhere and taking the boys, he NEVER takes one...he always takes them both.
.they swim together
.when luke goes to the potty....dylan watches.
.they're in the same nursery class at church because dylan was afraid of being without luke
.they take baths together
.their car seats are right beside eacother in the back seat of the car.
.they go to the doctor at the same time. It's too bad avery wasn't born a little later, I would have all 3 of them there getting their checkups!


These are so sweet. How lucky they are to have a mom that can and does capture these moments. I miss them.
How cute! Dylan looks so cute on the last one-I think his smile is about to burst!
Oh my word your boys are so handsome, I can hardly stand it.
You really do have THE cutest kids! I love reading your blog to see their cute pictures. The crazy thing is I created a blog for Andi and Holly but neither one use it. I found your blog from Andi though, she checks it :)
All of your photos are gorgeous! I love some of the effects you use. When we have babies you'll have to come out and take pictures of them! :)
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