I took these a while ago...but I've been wanting to post it in a collage! I am starting to think that all boys do is wrestle once they turn 2 or 3!! I guess that's a way they get out some energy?! then I was thinking of what I do to get out my energy...but I don't have that much energy, so I like to do the opposite~sleep. I hope everyone had a fantastic summer:) with labor day around the corner we all know that school is in full swing! and I am very excited to have these energetic boys going to preschool. It's only 2 days a week, but I can do A LOT of things within that time period. yes, they grow up fast and soon they will never be home, but atleast I have a ton of pictures to show that I was worn out and needed a break!

yes, I changed my blog a little, but I have it right where I want it...finally.