I actually took these last monday....right before I lost my trigger hand to stitches. I haven't been able to hold my camera since it puts a lot of strain on my arm, but I will get there soon!!! I'm dying without it! We leave for Florida soon so hopefully I will be better by then! Hope yall are enjoying your summer!!
Florida?! I live in Florida, too bad I don't have kids, or I'd beg you to snap some shots while you were here. Come back in a few years and I'll give you some business :) The picks of Avory are sooo good. She is looking alot like Luke (the oldest one?)Very cute. Looks like a little lady.
P.s. I can't seem to get enough of your pics. Can't wait till your kungfoo injury days are over :) Story was funny, "Amber stop being a mom..."
The second picture is absolutely banoodles. I love it.
Yummy! She is too cute I could just eat her up!
She's so cute. It's fun to see her features coming out. She looks like a good mix of you and Mark.
She is so freakin cute! I love the last two when she's smiling with her tongue out! Can't believe she's already 3 months!!
We have a girls night atleast once a month, sometimes 2 in a month, but I missed Julys because my parents were here, so I was SO needing this last one!
She is darling. I can't believe your arm story. Avery is lucky a piece of glass didn't fly on her. Just think all those years of jumping on a tramp without injury, then you hurt your arm "being a mom." Hope you heal fast.
I could really use an adorable little girl's smile at my house. Can we share her, pretty please!!:)
VERY cute pics of Avery. She is soooo cute! I'm sorry to hear about your arm. I hope you're taking good care of it. Have fun in Florida!!
Ambyr, your little Avery is sooooo cute!!! She's just a doll! Sorry to hear about your arm! What a nutty story girl! lol! Take care of it! and enjoy your kids! Our Jessica just graduated from high school in May and starts college this fall! It feels like she should still be in primary! ugh! Times flies!
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