Lately we have been trying to get our house ready to sell....I know!!! I'm a little sad about it, but since mark starts law school in a couple weeks we figure it would be best to move closer to school. So, we were working (well, mark was the only one working, but you get the idea!) out in the the yard today and you know when there's a ladder in your front yard your kids must run and master the stairs until they reach the very top!! A little dangerous for sure, especially with my second born who falls down after every 5 steps he takes. they had a lot of fun and did everything daddy did. Then they would go collect & compare rocks in our neighbors yard, and lastly we played in between the trees! It was so stinkin hot again today, therefore, my kids refuse to wear any clothing. be a kid again:)
Aahhh to be a kid again is so true! Some of these hot and humid days the boys are running around in their shorts and I'm just dying in my garments, bra, shirt AND shorts!
When do you get your stiches out? How is everthing going with the house? is it almost ready?
I didn't know you were moving. Have you found a place yet? Good luck with all of that and a new baby. Wow.
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