Thursday, January 22, 2009

the reMARKable foundation

About a year and a half ago, a very dear family friend, Mark Evans was injured in a motorcycle accident. He is now a quadriplegic; paralyzed from the chest down. He is an amazing father of four, and a wonderful husband to his wife Maria. My mom and dad and a few of their friends decided to start a fun run to raise money for mark's expenses. this was the second annual "Run, Walk, and Roll." It was so great to see so much support that everyone has for mark and his family. Here are a few pics of the event!

dylan~ his love for ballons still stands true AND his love for candy that is hanging out of his pockets. avery and my dad snuggling

LOVE this picture of my brother and his son trey. Trey is very photogenic....for some reason my kids didn't get that, but anyway, he'll just smile and put his arm around you. So sweet.

The boys....guarding (and eating) the candy

Mark and his wife Maria

me, the boys, mark (the runner) and trey. I totally rolled out of bed and didn't even have makeup on or my hair done, but I thought this was a cute "typical" photo with kids....looking all directions or with their eyes closed!

I caught avery smiling at my brother...and I thought it was so adorable!

the mind behind all of wonderful mother. She always puts so much hard work and effort into making the best events!!! and, marnie and her girls! Thanks for all those who supported and ran this year!


Andry said...

saludos Flia!
Deseo y se encuentren bien, Que hermosa familia tienen ademas les felicito por sus fotos son hermosas.
Mark como esta todo? por favor enviame a mi correo tu numero de telefono celular par que hablemos un poco....!
Los años pasan volando, que bendicion tan grande es tener el evangelio de jesucristo en nuestras vidas.. Le quiere y saluda desde Venezuela Andry Romero y familia.

The Piersons said...

What great pictures, I love the one of Quentin and Trey. Aaron called me after the race and told me he held Avery for awhile and then he was like, "give me a little girl." She is always such a sweetheart.

Christine said...

Ambyr--We need to know in advance about the date of this event for next year. Eric worked with Mark in Scouting and we would love to come and support him. (i know it's a long time to remember but next year let me know:)

Regina said...

I love your little family picture!! Too cute!!!

TwinkleBee said...

your kids are too photogenic!! Holy moly, cutest kids ever! love your gettaway pics.