We get together atleast once a month and chat all night long while eating delicious brownies and milk. We talk about anything from politics to our kids and everything in between. Kids seems to always be the topic of choice, since, let's face it...they are our lives! We talk about how much we love them and the cute things they say, but also how much we would love to leave them and go on a vacation just to get our head back on straight again. We love to chat....we love to laugh. we all have to sit on the same couch if that couch allows, and a blanket is a must. I don't know what I would do without my girls. They are all so amazing. amazing mothers, amazing wives, amazing friends. This picture was from a couple weeks ago when we got together for a breakfast with our kids. This was the first get together with our kids, and it wasn't too bad since there was lots of yummy food, toys and a mini bouce house to keep them entertained. We then got together last night for a birthday dinner (no kids) and chatted the night away. It was great. I love my girls!

here are our kiddos... minus 2 who were in school and avery who was asleep.

Are you trying to make me jealous? I want to come, but I guess there isn't enough couch room...looks like Cash is getting ready to do something in his squatting position...=)
Your lucky boys, surrounded by all the cute girls :) Love my girls too! Girl time is a MUST!
yeah we closed on it yesterday. it is so exciting i grouted all the tile and painted alll day- we pretty much have everything moved thanks for the offer! im so excited to get moved it and all settled! you will have to come see it...give me a call sometime 9404536315 and im up for babysitting ANYTIME! :)
Girls nights (and days) are the best. Mom's need other mom friends to survive!
You are soo sweet!! And you know how much I LOVE our girls outings! Love ya soo much! however, i had a hard time looking outside the next day in fear of a dark figure looking at me!!
Ambyr, I just found your blog via other texas friends! You and your family are so cute! (btw, I wish I looked as great as you did after "rolling out of bed" for the fun run)
So, how do you know Karen Christensen? Her sister is married to my brother, and the Elmers made us a part of their "extended family" while we lived in Texas. Totally love their family!
Shoot me an email sometime jennisandjared@gmail.com
I'm going to pretend that I have makeup on and no double chin in that picture!!!! BTW Cash wasn't depositing anything that is one of his favorite stances, maybe a future catcher? I love our girls days and nights! It always amazes me that we can stay up talking until 3AM and still have to wind it down like 5 times before we finally leave! I love my girls!!!!
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