His vocabulary: no, mine, I want candy
My sweet little dylan, has definitely entered into this awful stage which I'm hoping won't spill over into the 3's!! He can still turn his sweetness on, but when it's not...you better steer clear of this little tank. It's almost amusing as you see him trying to back talk while lowering his voice 10 octaves and do what only I know to describe as the "twitch tail." I know our moms always say, " Cherish every day and each moment when they're little. "

I have to giggle every time I see him...I could just watch him trip and wander around all day...=)
Ambyr, this pic is so awesome!
You'll have to tell me if this "stage" ends at 3. Saxon can take terrible two's to the extreme. He turns 3 in August, so we'll see... Good luck :)
I love this picture. He is so handsome.
he looks so much like his dad
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