This week has been full of laughs from my oldest...luke. He has caught me off guard by saying some of the darndest things that I didn't even know he knew. Here are a few
We went to the park the other day, and here's how a short convo went after I was ready to leave
me: hey you guys, how about we go back to the house and jump on the trampoline!
luke: (with a confused look on his face) or not.
I just started laughing.
me: what did you just say?!
luke: not?
It was like he was sure he didn't want to go back to the house, but did he get the right lingo down?!
another "word" that I have noticed him say..... LIKE
I never thought I would here my son say a sentence and use "like" 3 times. This to me means that
A~ I talk to loud on the phone to my girlfriends OR
B~ I need to learn how to describe things without using this word. pretty much impossible.
And today, after mark took the boys to the park while I cooked dinner (seriously, I have the best husband) luke comes home and says: mom, we threw rocks in the pond and it was AMAZING!
Now, I have to say that I realize kids are smart, I just didn't know they could pick up on things that I never knew they heard! Well, they hear it, I just wasn't realizing it!! Luke just caught me off guard this week because he usually doesn't say too much, unless he's bossing dylan around.
priceless. My favorite is the "or not." I love it.My kids have learned that when I say "What did you say?" that the response should probably "nothing" or "I don't know". When I put Kenna's plate in front of her the other night she said "what the hell is that?" Bad mom, I am a very bad mom. You are so right, they hear way too much.
throwing rocks in the lake is "amazing!" I totally agree. That's so funny!
and yes, we need some photo and knitting talk too! haha! anyone that reads that is going to be very confused!
hope you're doing good!
"Or not"!! That is so funny! Kids are so cute:)
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