Tuesday, February 12, 2008

tagged about my husband

O.K. I'm usually not for getting tagged...but this one is about your spouse! So thanks sarah for letting me roll down memory lane a little bit!

What is his name? mark
How long have you been married? 5 years next month
How long did you date? 3 months dating, 3 months engaged
Who eats more sweets? totally guilty. I love chocolate
Who said I love you first? after a couple weeks of dating he says, I think I'm falling in love with you....and to my shock, I said "I think I'm falling in love with you too!"
Who is taller? mark, by a few inches
Who can sing better? none of the above. We are the absolute worst when it comes to singing!!
Who is smarter? Mark is weird smart. Like anything that you would find weird to know about-he knows all about it. He knows so much about history as well. I would say we are both street smart...
Who does the laundry? that would be me, unless desperate times come when I have morning sickness for 4 months and can't get out of bed!
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're facing our bed, I sleep on the left. Is that the right side? I get confused.
Who cooks dinner? If we cook at all....mostly me. Mark loves to cook himself a skillet steak frequently though.
Who drives? mostly me, I get car sick if I don't.
Who is more stubborn? I have met my match.....for sure:)
Who kissed who first? mark asked if he could kiss me, I said yes, and then after the 5 seconds of akward silence, he leaned in...best kiss ever.
Who asked who out first? HAHA!! funny story.... I'll have to share that another time!! He did
Who proposed? mark
Who wears the pants? mark 40% me 60% no, I think we're pretty even.

I love my husband to death and I have to admit that we love to get goofy together. He cracks me up most of the time and then I do the same some of the time. He always tells me how beautiful I am (even though I've been pregnant most of out marriage!) and there's hardly a day where he doesn't say I love you. I have the best husband ever:)


Martin Family said...

This is great. Thanks for sharing even though I knew it for the most part. It was fun to just to remember your early days. I will never forget some of our conversations. You guys are so cute.

Jordan said...

Does "I think I love you" count?

PS - Do the grandkids really call your mom Happy?