Monday, August 18, 2008

florida~post #2

Well, we all arrived to florida with dreams of this vacation to be as wonderful as ever. And it actually was....for most of us. This picture will give you a hint of what went on the very first night we were there.

yes, this is an x-ray of dylan's cute little body...and his broken collarbone. He fell off the bed in the middle of the night and started screaming! Mark tried to calm him down but every 10 minutes or so he would start crying. So I went in there and slept right next to him and would love on him and play with his hair until he calmed down. This lasted ALL night LONG! He would fall asleep off and on and I was just laying there wishing and hoping there was some way I could get some sleep! Dylan would throw his legs up on my stomach and would twitch throughout the night. I maybe got an hour of sleep. Poor thing...he was miserable the next day. We had no idea what was hurting him until we kept asking a million times, "where's your owie?" and he then consistantly would point to his shoulder. We then noticed that he wouldn't use his left arm at all. and every time he would fall or you would pick him up he would cry. throughout the week he adapted to just using his right arm...what a trooper! So, that concluded our first day in florida! Now for some of my favorites of all the kids!!!


Carey said...

Poor Dylan! I hope he is feeling better. I cannot believe how much Caden looks like Brent. Absolutely precious. I know Happy and Pappy are so proud of all their grandbabies.

Mindee Graver said...

It looks like his shoulder is better in the pictures, is it? Poor little guy :( Not the best way to start a vacation!

Sweet little Avery is going to have a lot of protectors when she gets bigger! All those boys and her:)

Brent and Britta said...

I LOVE beach pictures! I feel so land-locked!

Chris and Angie Purves said...

Florida looks beautiful. I hope dylan's shoulder is better. What an awful night.

Regina said...

The pictures are awesome. I love theon of Avery lounging. And POOR little guy! It stinks that you knew something was wrong, but he couldn't tell you what it was!! I hope he is doing better!

Bobette said...

Poor baby...hope he's doing okay. I wish you were here to be my personal photographer. Your vacation looks so relaxing.

Teri said...

CUTE pics of the kids! And POOR little Dylan! OUWIE!!! I hope he's feeling much better now!!!!

Teri said...

CUTE pics of the kids! And POOR little Dylan! OUWIE!!! I hope he's feeling much better now!!!!

Danielle said...

I can't believe Dylan has gone this long without an was bound to happen, right? The pictures are amazing and make me want to get out of this rainy weather!!

kim said...

These are great! I love the footprint one. I am so sorry about Dylan! I hope he is healing quickly.