Friday, May 30, 2008


since I've been home all week potty training and getting used to having 3 kids, i've pulled out a lot of toys I bought at wal mart one day just for these moments.
bubbles. that's all my boys need.....luke knew how to handle the bubble gun pretty well....and then dylan, well he just pointed it at himself the whole time!! He put on quite a show! Until they dump out the whole bucket of bubbles on the ground. then those fun 20 minutes or so are over and it's time for me to think of something else creative:)


Mary said...

Despite being asked by a stranger in Wal-Mart who saw Bella and Wyatt, finished product, I have no real tips for potty training. Just endure, endure, endure.

The Jorgensen's said...

Little boys in underwear are just too cute!!! Great job on the potty-training while having a newborn, Supermom!