Friday, April 11, 2008

and the lights went out!

A couple nights ago there was a tornado watch that came through north texas. It wasn't bad at all until after midnight it started to really rain and the wind was fierce! Then around 4am our lights started to flicker and then nothing... no sound was made in our fans, no white noise! Within 1 minute my boys came crying into our room. So, being the great dad that he is, mark wanted to snuggle the boys all night. Me on the other hand went to the couch! I'm sorry but I can't sleep next to kids!! They roll around all night like little alligators! So, a few hours later after getting no sleep at all, I went in our bedroom to find my boys peacefully sleeping...with a flashlight close at hand:)

My boys are always in their p.j.'s but It was a late night the night before, thefore t-shirts had to do!


Brent and Britta said...

adorable. I love their little blankies!

Kathryn Cooper said...

So sweet! I agree that kids are way too wiggly while sleeping.

The Piersons said...

I am in love with those pictures. They are so great. What a great Dad!

Mary said...

My cold heart melts when I see these. I too, don't sleep with kids.

Danielle said...

How cute! I don't like to sleep with kids either although I usually don't have a choice. By the time they come in my room I am usually way too tired to get up and move them...=)