Saturday, April 19, 2008

breaking out the hose!

So saturday it got up to about 83 degrees or was HOT!! Well,to me it felt like 100, but that's all because I have a furnace attached to me at all times!! So, what kid doesn't love to play in water!! My boys go nuts over it! So, I eventually let them have control of the hose and this is what came of it....

Luke had a good handle on it....

and dylan....well, I think he was trying to get a drink and ended up pointing the hose right in his face!! He started crying and mark and I couldn't stop laughing!!! It was so hilarious...if we had our video camera we would have totally submitted it to america's funniest home videos!!

hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!!


Kacey said...

I love the soggy diaper that has sagged down to his knees! These are GREAT!

Bobette said...

Oh, what cute pictures you have of your boys. I love your pictures! I only wish we still lived in TX to have you take our photos. We are in St. George, UT now. I'm so excited you're having a girl. Little girls are so much fun. It's so fun to buy girl things. BTW Avery's bedroom is adorable. You've done a fantastic job decorating it! Can't wait to see her. When are you due?

Pierce and Stacy said...

That is too funny. And that hurts when the water goes up your nose... it hurts bad. Cute pictures! Just to let you know... it was 85 degrees today in Provo, record I shall say. It was gorgeous!