Wednesday, June 18, 2008

rainy day

The other day it started to get dark outside at 10 in the morning....which means it's gonna rain!! So I grabbed my boys and told them to come outside while we got blown over by the texas winds waiting for the rain to come. It was great! They loved the wind, and all of the leaves dropping down from the trees. Then it started to rain and I gave them their umbrella's thinking they would like it...but they still stayed under a covered area. I know someday they will be like we all once were during texas the streets with our shoes off, soaked, playing in the gutters. Can anyone relate to this!


Kacey said...

FABULOUS shot. I actually kind of miss those Texas thunderstorms!

(so it's been raining a ton this year and a few weeks ago (I'm so excited about it) I finally bought THE cutest white umbrella w/ black flowers on it for pictures and wouldn't ya hasn't rained a drop since!)

AND those peanut butter pictures below are awesome. I love the one with Dylan licking it off his leg. I would've done the same sense in it going to waste huh!

Kacey said...
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Mary said...

Yes I blogged on the elements. I'm with you all the way in playing in the rain.

Kathryn Cooper said...

Really cute umbrella, and yes we used to run in the pouring rain. I think I'm a little more afraid of lightning these days; I kinda miss having no fear.

Travis and Joy said...

oh i love this pic. it's a great shot. ....and YES! i completely remember running and playing in the rain. :( now i miss texas. the umbrella.

TwinkleBee said...

I love Texas storms!! I remember the sky turning a green color and huge ol rain would pour out of the sky. We ran in our skivy's sometimes waist deep in water down the street. Oh the memories! Texas has the best storms!